ESS® Lime (Distilled) Pure Essential Oil - 10 ml.

VU-208606   ESR7747
Salon/Spa Price: $6.75
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Discover the Versatility of ESS Lime (Distilled) Pure Essential Oil - 10 ml.

Indulge in the refreshing essence of ESS Lime (Distilled) Pure Essential Oil. This exquisite oil captivates the senses with its sweet yet invigorating aroma, providing a delightful experience for both you and your clients. With its impressive range of benefits and impeccable quality, this essential oil is a must-have for professionals like you.

Benefits That Go Beyond Expectations

Experience the multifaceted wonders of ESS Lime (Distilled) Pure Essential Oil. Unlock its impressive benefits that are tailored to meet your clients' needs:

  • Promotes a sense of cleanliness and purity with its powerful antibacterial properties.
  • Refreshes and revitalizes oily skin, making it an excellent choice for facial treatments.
  • Works as an effective antiseptic, promoting a hygienic environment.
  • Delivers a fresh and invigorating aroma that uplifts the spirits and enhances relaxation.

Experience The Versatility

ESS Lime (Distilled) Pure Essential Oil is exceptionally versatile, offering a range of applications to cater to your diverse clientele. Take advantage of its remarkable properties in various treatments:

  • Facial Treatments: Combat excess oil and invigorate the skin with this astringent oil, leaving your clients' faces feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
  • Aromatherapy: Harness the aromatic power of this oil to create a serene and uplifting atmosphere in your spa or salon, promoting relaxation and tranquility.
  • Massage Therapy: Blend this oil with carrier oils to add a zesty twist to your massage treatments, awakening the senses and revitalizing the body.
  • Nail and Waxing Services: Incorporate the cleansing and antibacterial properties of this oil into your nail and waxing treatments, offering your clients a truly refreshing experience.
  • Wellness Practices: Enhance your clients' well-being by incorporating this oil into their wellness routines, whether through inhalation or topical application.

Unveiling The Pure Essence

The remarkable qualities of ESS Lime (Distilled) Pure Essential Oil are derived from the peel of the fruits of the citrus aurantifolia tree. Its main constituents, terpenes and citral, work synergistically to create this exceptional oil:

  • Citral: This mobile pale-yellow liquid is derived from lemon-grass oil and is renowned for its usage in perfumes and flavorings.
  • Terpenes: Found in essential oils and oleoresins of plants like conifers, terpenes are unsaturated hydrocarbons used in organic syntheses.
  • Oleoresins: A natural mixture of oil and resin extracted from various plants, such as pine or fir, which contributes to the unique properties of this essential oil.
  • Conifers: These cone-bearing trees or shrubs, including pines, spruces, and firs, provide the botanical source for this invigorating essential oil.

Elevate your professional treatments with the exceptional quality and remarkable versatility of ESS Lime (Distilled) Pure Essential Oil. Experience the captivating aroma and impressive benefits that this oil brings to your clients, setting you apart as a trusted professional in the industry.